The Icle Test has arrived!
Dear Brethren,
At the suggestion of our Provincial Grand Master, The West Lancashire Mark Charities have funded 150 Icle Test kits as described in the attached flyer.  
These tests will be available at a dedicated table at Provincial Grand Lodge on April 27th at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.
Using the tests will detect any blood in the urine, which can be an early sign of Bladder, Kidney of Prostate Cancers.  
The tests are easy to use, with almost immediate results, and come with full instructions.   
We do hope that all these tests will be used promptly by our Mark Men when they return home after the meeting.
Further supplies may also be made available at the Royal Ark Mariner Assembly on September 19th at the Savoy Hotel in Blackpool, should this trial prove a success.  
Early detection of problems is a great way to help improve eventual outcomes.   Please make use of this wonderful opportunity.
W Bro. Giles Berkley
Chairman of the Mark Charities for West Lancashire